Wednesday, November 7, 2007

2 years old!!!

It's hard to believe that it's been 2 years since I gave birth to my little Ella Grace. As I think back to the days when it was just Scott and I, I remember a longing for a little person that I knew God had for us. Now, it's 2 little people, but it all started with Miss Ella.

When we were in Greece in 2004 (before I was pregnant for her) we determined that if we had a girl first, we would name her Ella. Her name means "Torch, bright light"... ahh that she is!!! She truly brightens our day with her beautiful smile and funny little personality and she's constantly trying to make one of us laugh.

Her middle name, Grace, was chosen because of something the Lord chose to allow us to go through at the beginning of my pregnancy with her. If you don't already know, He gave me a horrible disease and then graciously took it away. I am still blown away by what He did and we'll never forget it.

Through these 2 years we have had many tears as we are being refined by being parents. I am constantly in awe of how the Lord chooses to shape my character through my little girls.

How quickly 2 years has gone by....but I remember... locking eyes with her just moments after I delivered her. She had a familiar look to me, almost as though I had dreamt of her... and I was scared, because.. she was mine, to care for and love on... and take home!! :) But thankfully God has been gracious to give me just what I need each day to love her well.

Happy Birthday Ella!! November 8, 2007