Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Food for Thought

Since I'm always up for some good food, I thought I'd share a couple of good times I've had lately over some good food. :)

We have started meeting with our new community group in the last month or so and we begin every Sunday night meeting with a meal together. Talk about fun!!! We eat and talk ... and eat some more for over an hour and a half and then move to our time of Bible Study or like we're doing right now, sharing our "stories". It's been the best time and I love our group. We are age diverse, which is a blessing, because it's nice to not all be stressed out about finding a babysitter and we do not all smell like peanut butter (which is apparently my new perfume). :) Anyways, one of our ladies made the best dessert and I just made it for Scott's birthday. We are addicted and I'll just admit it now. Here's how you make it if you're interested in the best EVER dessert. :)

1/2 package of Oreos
3-4 large Butterfingers
1/2 package of Vanilla icecream

Mash the oreos and butterfingers together and layer 1/2 of the mix in a 8x8 pan. Layer semi-soft vanilla icecream over top then cover with remaining 1/2 of oreo/butterfinger mix. Freeze until you're ready to eat.

Alright ladies, I can't wait to hear how many of you try this. You'll love it!!!

At Christmas time, I'm going to a cooking class with my mom and sister at A Southern Season, which is the coolest grocery/restaurant/cooking class store you've ever seen. It's the ULTIMATE when it comes to all things food. Since this is one of my own little loves, I'm really looking forward to it. You can see their website under my "favorite websites".

Now.. back to dessert. :) oh, and the pictures.. while they have nothing to do with food, I thought you'd enjoy them.